5 Lacanian Cinematic Clichés that Hollywood Loves – II

2. The Male Exception Case in point: Zodiac, The Usual Suspects, all Bond films, almost all movies about unsolved murders committed by men, and virtually any superhero film of the last 10 years   For the second of the cinematic clichés in this series we need to invoke Lacan’s formulas for sexuation from Seminar XX: Immediately […]

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“The first great Lacanian text not to be written by Lacan himself” – Reading Miller’s ‘Suture’

Suture is a Lacanian concept, but not a concept of Lacan’s. According to Alain Badiou, Jacques-Alain Miller’s paper, ‘Suture (Elements of the Logic of the Signifier)’ was “the first great Lacanian text not to be written by Lacan himself” (Badiou, ‘A Contemporary Use of Frege’, in Number and Numbers, p.25). In simple terms, the achievement […]

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Special Appeal – Free Rafah Nached

UPDATE  WEDNESDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2011: RAFAH NACHED HAS BEEN FREED.    Announced on French-language news site Lacan Quotidien this evening: Rafah Nached is free! After having been informed that she could be on the list of prisoners to be released imminently by the Syrian authorities, Rafah Nached’s husband arrived earlier today at the prison 80km from […]

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