Links to other sites that explore Lacan’s work and Lacanian psychoanalysis.
Got a site and want it listed here? Get in touch.
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CFAR – The Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research
The London Society of the New Lacanian School
The New Lacanian School was founded by Jacques-Alain Miller and is part of the World Association of Psychoanalysis
World Association of Psychoanalysis
Founded in 1992, the World Association of Psychoanalysis unites the different Lacanian Schools of the Freudian Field
Irish Circle of the Lacanian Orientation
Part of the New Lacanian School
San Francisco Society for Lacanian Studies
Paris-based School formed in 1981
Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis
Groupe Interdisciplinaire Freudien de Recherche et d’Intervention Cliniques et Culturelles – Canadian group founded in 1977 and based in Quebec
New York City-based training organisation founded in 1987
A forum for Lacanian practice and research in Auckland, New Zealand
Association Lacanienne Internationale (A.L.I.)
Association founded in 1982 by Charles Melman, Marcel Czermak, Claude Dorgeuille et Jean Bergès. Publishes the review La Revue lacanienne (site in French)
Australian associate of the New Lacanian School
The SFL is a new school founded in 2014. It has a presence in the UK and in Cyprus, where the Cyprus Society pursues its work
A Toronto-based group which has now started a teaching programme in the Lacanian orientation
The Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis
An independent school formed in 1991 and based in Berekley, California
Analytica is a research and training association linked to the New Clinic, both founded in 2000 by Dr. Scott Von and associates for the production of clinical and theoretical work in integral medicine, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, philosophy, and related fields of the arts and sciences.
The College of Psychoanalysts UK
Lacanian Foothold is an online networking group with the goal of linking North American clinicians interested in Lacanian psychoanalysis with each other.
A cartel in clinical Lacanian psychoanalysis in Hong Kong
A Lacanian study group based in Vancouver, Canada
A Toronto-based not-for-profit group for the study of Lacanian psychoanalysis
L’Université populaire Jacques Lacan
Uforca group for the Université Populaire Jacques Lacan
The Lacanian Compass is a group dedicated to the development and promotion of the Lacanian Orientation of Psychoanalysis in the United States
Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups
A network of clinically-orientated reading groups in the US
Houston Freudian Field Library
Bilingual (Spanish-English) group hosting reading seminars and cartels on Lacan’s work
Site run by members of the London Society of the New Lacanian School
French-language site run by Parisian psychoanalyst Guy Flecher, dedicated to Lacan in China
EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis
European network of analysts concerned with the political status of psychoanalysis. Organises the PIPOL Congress.
LinkedIn presence here or email here.
Center for Research and Psychoanalytic Studies, based in Santiago, Chile
Zamyn provides interdisciplinary analyses of the geo-political dynamics between corporate globalisation and cultural practice in an increasingly interconnected world.
The Philidelphia Lacan Study Group
The Philadelphia Lacan Study Group & Seminar has been meeting since 1990 as an open seminar devoted to the discussion of Freud’s and Lacan’s main ideas and their application to broader clinical, social, and cultural issues.
The Sydney Lacan Study and Reading Network
Network for the study of Lacan’s principle theories and their application to broader areas beyond psychoanalysis, including literature, art, drama, philosophy, and aesthetics. Offering monthly seminars and online classes as well as books and art reviews on the site.
Lacan in Scotland aims to flag research activities and events taking place in Scotland on Lacanian theory as well as related topics such as psychoanalytic theory and practice, and discourse theory.
Lacanian group based in Ardabil, Iran aiming to deepen the familiarity of Iranians with the broad dimensions of Lacanian psychoanalysis.
Lacanian Forum of Washington D.C.
A component of the International of the Forums of the Lacanian Field (IF-EPFCL), the Lacanian Forum of Washington D.C. is dedicated to the dissemination of psychoanalysis oriented by the teachings of Jacques Lacan and Sigmund Freud. Our forum was officially founded in January 2008 as a response to the increasing demand in the Washington area and beyond for the study of Lacanian theory and technique.
A rally point for psychoanalysis in Pakistan
Innovative Belgian institution using Lacanian ideas to treat autistic young people
The London Centre for Lacanian Psychoanalysis
The London Centre for Lacanian Psychoanalysis offers affordable access to Lacanian psychoanalysis to all those interested in exploring the benefits of this form of treatment, irrespective of circumstances or income.
Website of Cormac Gallagher, contains many translations of Lacan’s Seminars in PDF form, downloadable for free.
Free-access online versions of Lacan’s Seminars and other writings (in French)
US Library of Congress Freud Archives
Archive of 20,000 documents released in 2017 stretching from 1851- five years before Freud’s birth – in the form of family papers and legal documents, to interviews and recollections of Freud up to the late 1990s. The archive also includes Freud’s correspondence with nearly 600 people, including his most famous patients such as the Wolf Man and Emma Eckstein, and notable contemporaries like Albert Einstein.
2022 translation by Ben Hooson, available via his site as either a PDF or Word file or in paperback on request.
Seminar XXIII – Full text of Lacan’s Seminar XXIII, The Sinthome, available free online (translated by Luke Thurston, this is an alternative translation to Cormac Gallagher’s linked to above)
JCFAR – The Journal of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research
Past and current articles from the Journal, many available for free
Paris-based non-profit site offering vast access to Lacan’s work online. Not affiliated to the San Francisco-based Lutecium Group Psychoanalytic Group listed above.
Richard G. Klein’s site – a number of fascinating articles, translations and resources
Interview with Lacan, L’Express, 1957
This interview, conducted by Lacan’s friend Madeleine Chapsal, appeared in L’Express on 31st May 1957 under the title ‘Clefs pour la psychanalyse’ (‘Keys to psychoanalysis’). In her biography of Lacan, Elisabeth Roudinesco describes (p.262) how Chapsal insisted that Lacan answer her questions in plain language that made his thoughts accessible to the general reader. It is one of the rare instances where we find Lacan being disciplined in his clarity and succinctness.
Recordings of a number of Lacan’s seminars and radio broadcasts
Concept and Form: Cahiers pour l’Analyse
Featuring the ten issues of the Cahiers pour l’Analyse, the journal published by Lacan’s students at the Ecole Normale Supérieure
Website of Lacanian psychoanalyst Julia Evans containing links to many useful texts
A psychoanalytic blog for a politics of the present. Contemporary Heretic is a blog for the lovers of the unconscious and of psychoanalysis: for analysts and analysands, for the enlightened and inspired, and for the disenchanted and discouraged. Indeed, it is for all who, at least once in their life, felt impassioned by a singularity of their experience. It is also a site where questions about the place and status of the psychoanalyst and of the discourse of psychoanalysis in civilisation today can be articulated.
Now-retired site from a collective of Lacanians devoted to analysing the signs of everyday life (closed 2016 but contributions remain)
Blog of Melbourne psychoanalyst David Ferraro
Got a site about Lacan and want it listed here? Get in touch.
do you know if madeleine chapsal’s interview with lacan ever was translated into english?
There is! I’ve updated the link above so that it goes to an English version. Thanks for the heads up a new one was needed.
Please include the Boston Lacan Study Group. We maintain a profile on Linkdin and can be contacted via email at
Thanks for the heads up, Rolf. I’ve added you guys. I think I’ve found your URL, but let me know if any of the above needs changing. Owen
The link to Luke Thurston’s translation of The Sinthome seminar appears to be broken. Could you please look into this?
Fixed 🙂
Nice to see serious scholars facing the irresponsible sequestration of Lacan’s texts by J-A M. Thanks you.
The link to the Thurston translation of Le Sinthome is broken again. Can you include the full URL? Thanks!
Thanks Tod, it’s updated and fixed now. Owen