A Tour of The Graph of Desire


This video goes on a tour of Lacan’s famous Graph of Desire, as elaborated in ‘The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire’ in his Écrits. We look at each form of the Graph, check in at each of its points, explain what all the algebra means, and go through the concepts behind it.

By Owen Hewitson, LacanOnline.com

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6 thoughts on “A Tour of The Graph of Desire

  1. Thank you . To my this video is a very good addition to ” againts Adaptation” by Van Heute.It is to be watched a number of times.

  2. A very good explanation. Is the author of this video also an author of books or texts on Lacan?… Thank you in advance.

  3. Owen,

    At around 21:30 in the video, you explain the voice as the “signifying chain, minus the effect of meaning,” citing a name that I can’t understand. Can you clarify where that citation comes from?

  4. Pingback: maestroviejo

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