As the summer ends many Lacanian organisations are announcing their programme of events and seminars for the coming academic year.

Après-Coup, the New York-based psychoanalytic association, has announced the timetable for its 2015-2016 programme of events. The various seminars will take place under the theme “Psychoanalysis, Savoir-faire, and the Social Link” and start on 25th September. More details via Après-Coup’s site. In conjunction, the group will be running a reading seminar on Freud’s idea of Nachträglichkeit (translated by Strachey as ‘deferred action’, by Lacan as ‘après-coup’, and by Laplanche as ‘afterwardness’). The sessions will be conducted by Lillian Ferrari and will start on 24th September. More details of this on the group’s Facebook page.

The New York Freud and Lacan Analytic Group (NYFLAG) is also conducting ongoing seminars as part of its fall term program. A reading seminar devoted to Seminar XXIII on The Sinthome, meeting bi-weekly, and a clinical seminar on Freud’s case of the Rat Man, form part of the programme. More details are listed on the Lacanian Compass site.

Lacan Salon in Vancouver, Canada, will be presenting a Clinical Seminar “On the Therapeutic Act” over eight sessions from October to next February, hosted by Hilda Fernandez. The presentations will offer “an introductory frame that addresses psychodynamic as well as ethical and practical issues in the conduction of a psychotherapeutic act” from a Lacanian orientation. More details on Lacan Salon here.

The Irish Circle of the Lacanian Orientation, based in Dublin, will kick off the next calendar year of activities with a free event open to all on the question “How does one become an analyst?” Guest speakers will be Alan Rowan and Véronique Voruz from London, who will discuss “crucial issues of analytic training, university discourse, analytic discourse and the specificity of Lacanian psychoanalysis” with colleagues from Ireland, and those interested in undertaking a psychoanalytic training. More details on the group’s Facebook page.

The School of the Freudian Letter will be holding the next seminar in its series “The Ascesis of Psychoanalysts” with Petros Patounas on 19th September. Chaired by Penny Georgiou, the seminar will take place in London, room MAL 402, Birkbeck, Malet Street, WC1.

A call for papers has been issued for a conference coming up in March 2016 at Harvard on Lacan and Philosophy. With 40 years having past since Lacan gave his address to MIT, the conference is looking to receive papers which consider Lacan in relation to various figures in the history of philosophy, and those which reflect on Lacan in the context of contemporary philosophies. 250-word abstracts must be submitted by 23rd September. The link for more information is here.

Lastly for events, Lacanians may be interested to know that the Freud Museum in London will be hosting an international inter-disciplinary conference on ‘The Unconscious Today’ on 26th September as part of its Festival of the Unconscious which has been running throughout the summer. Some Lacanian speakers will be taking part.

Among the publications, announced last month and due to be released in December is Lilian Munk Rösing’s intriguing-sounding Pixar with Lacan – The Hysteric’s Guide to Animation, published by Bloomsbury. Each chapter takes a different Pixar animation and examines it with the help of key Lacanian notions such as the object a, the Name-of-the-Father, desire and drive. Its table of contents is available to preview on the site of the book’s publishers here.

CFAR, the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, has just published the 26th volume of its journal, JCFAR. It features articles by Slavoj Zizek and Paul Verhaeghe, among others. It can be bought from Karnac Books and many back issues of the Centre’s journal can be downloaded for free on its site.

Due to be published next month is the latest edition, number 46, of Lacanian Ink on the subject of ‘The Talking Body’. Three articles by Jacques-Alain Miller feature, including his original piece on Ordinary Psychosis from 1998, as well as papers by Éric Laurent and Marie-Hélène Brousse. Keep an eye on for the release date.

The New Books Network continues to make available podcasts with authors of new publications in psychoanalysis, and in August two new interviews were released. The first is with Paul Verhaeghe, discussing his latest book What About Me? The Struggle for Identity in a Market-Based Society. The second was with Alison Bancroft, discussing her 2012 Fashion and Psychoanalysis and her upcoming book on a similar theme.

Finally, French speakers may want to check out the recording of France Inter’s special ‘La psychanalyse selon Jacques Lacan’ which was broadcast by the station last month. Lilia Mahjoub from the École de la Cause Freudienne and Roland Castro, who started his analysis with Lacan in 1971, discuss their personal memories of Lacan, their experiences attending his seminar, and his contribution to psychoanalysis more generally.

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