News – February 2015
A great event for Lacanians coming up at the end of March. The Freud Museum in London will be hosting a talk by Raul Moncayo and Magdalena Romanowicz entitled ‘The Real Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science within Lacanian Psychoanalysis’. The talk heralds the publication of their new book of the same name, published next month, which looks at the interconnection between mathematics and psychoanalytic ideas. The talk takes place on 24th March. Book here with code LACAN1 for £3 off adult admission.
As mentioned last month, issue 12 of the excellent Lacanian journal Hurly-Burly was released in early February and is now available to buy through Karnac. The latest issue contains a newly published interview with Lacan from the mid-seventies, contributions from the NLS Congress of 2014 on ‘What Cannot Be Said’, and preparatory papers for the WAP’s conference next year on ‘The Speaking Body’.
Announced for publication later this year are two volumes from Lacanian psychoanalyst Bogdan Wolf entitled Lacanian Coordinates. The publisher, Karnac, has the first volume to be released in June and the second in December. They are available to pre-order on Karnac’s site here and here.
Lacanian Affects by leading French Lacanian analyst Collette Soler also got a publication date of May for its English translation, by Bruce Fink. Pre-order a copy here.
The Freudian School of Melbourne has published its calendar of events for 2015. This includes its annual Homage conference in September, which this year takes the theme ‘Interpretations’. Public seminars, a course on the fundamentals of psychoanalysis, and reading seminars also run throughout the year. Full details on this flyer.
The Lacan Circle of Melbourne has also published its calendar for 2015, running up to November. The group’s study days focus on the theme, ‘Crisis? What Crisis!’, echoing the theme of the NLS’s Congress this year on ‘Moments of Crisis’. Specific details of each event will also be posted on the group’s Facebook page. As a taster from past events, an abridged version of David Ferraro’s presentation on Seminar X at the Lacan Circle of Melbourne in February is now available on his site here.
Lacan Toronto has a special presentation from Alicia Arenas coming up this month on 28th March looking at Lacan’s Seminar X, Anxiety, which has recently received its official publication in English. Further details on the flyer here. Also check out the group’s teaching programme from Spring 2015, and a series on the theme ‘The Speaking Body in Lacan’, which runs from May-July.
‘Gender Equality and Sexual Diversity in relation to the Empowerment of Women’ is the title of a talk organised by the World Association of Psychoanalysis at the UN’s NGO Committee on the Status of Women, coming up in New York on 19th March. Speakers will include Maria-Cristina-Aguirre, Marie-Hélène Brousse, and Gil Caroz who will offer psychoanalytic perspectives on this theme from a Lacanian orientation. Register at
Rik Loose has contributed a report on Marco Focchi’s presentation at the ICLO-NLS in Dublin last month. Focchi’s talk was entitled ‘What is the Unconscious made of?’. A number of other reports of the group’s recent events can be found further down on this page here.
A call for papers for a new publication under the title ‘Notes from the Outskirts: Spaces of Madness’ has gone out, with a deadline for abstracts of 31st March. The collection will have a psychoanalytic perspective and suggested themes include areas that are very much current in analytic work on the subject. Topics and guidelines for submission can be found here.
Finally, as part of the Perth International Arts Festival, the exhibition ‘An Internal Difficulty: Australian Artists at the Freud Museum London’ is a collection by various Australian artists who spent time at the Freud Museum and created pieces inspired by the visit. The pieces are on display until April at PICA in Perth, Western Australia.
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