News – May 2018


Among newly-announced upcoming publications, San Francisco-based Lacanian psychoanalyst Raul Moncayo’s Knowing, Not-Knowing, and Jouissance: Levels, Symbols, and Codes of Experience in Psychoanalysis will be released in September as part of the Palgrave Lacan Series. It will look at pure and applied analysis of Lacanian and Freudian theory in practice, and its transmission within psychoanalytic organisations. It will also offer a commentary on some key Lacanian texts, including the little-known and seldom-read L’Etourdit from 1972.

Slavoj Zizek’s latest offering, Like A Thief In Broad Daylight: Power in the Era of Post-Human Capitalism, is also due to be released in September in the UK and October in the US by Allen Lane. His subject this time is the brave new world of Big Tech, its coming impact on the automation of work, the virtualisation of money, and what will come in its place.

Scheduled for publication in October is the English translation of Alain Badiou’s Lacan: Anti-Philosophy 3. Originally published in French in 2013, it is drawn from his seminar of 1994-1995, a series given annually on major conceptual and historical topics. Badiou’s reflections on Lacan cover being, the subject, and truth, arguing that Lacan was an “anti-philosopher” of modernity, a class in which he includes earlier figures such as St Paul, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche.

Darian Leader’s latest, Why Can’t We Sleep, is due for release by Penguin in February 2019. Drawing on psychoanalytic references as well as those from other cultural, social, and economic fields, the book will examine the history of human sleep and why our relationship to it appears to have become so problematic.

Published in French last month, and potentially of interest to Lacanians, is Samuel Dock’s Punchlines : Des ados chez le psy. Drawing on references from Freud and psychoanalysis, Dock seeks to challenge many of the stereotypes pervasive about millenials and instead present their best ‘punchlines’, presenting his experience of adolescents as self-deprecating and funny. Watch an interview with Dock about the book on CNews here.

A project to translate Lacan’s Seminar IV, ‘The Object Relation & Freudian Structures’, into English is underway thanks to the Earls Court Collective. As of May 2018 the first four sessions of the seminar have been translated and are available on Lacanian Works. Notes and references for these are being added, check here for the latest.

Among journal articles and papers released last month, The Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis has just published the 21st edition of it journal Analysis. Analysis 21 includes contributions from Dr Colette Soler, Dr Leonardo Rodriguez, Dr Sol Aparicio, Dr Esther Faye, and many others. It is available on the ACP website.

Lacanian Compass published issue 1 of Volume 4 of its in-house journal LCExpress in May, with a paper by Domenico Cosenza on ‘The Ego in Anorexia: Ego-Syntonia, Narcissism and Imaginary Nomination’. Issues from all volumes can be found the the group’s site here. Relatedly, Lacanian Compass has also just announced the date of its twelth Clinical Study Days conference, ‘The Psychoanalytic Subject in the Maze: Constructions in Analysis’, which will take place in Miami Beach, January 18th-20th 2019. Argument, poster, and guest speakers will be announced soon.

The NLS cartels’ newsletter, 4+one, released a special issue for the upcoming NLS Congress next month, with examples of work being done in NLS cartels available in both English and French.

The Lacanian Review Online featured an interview with Tom Svolos, author of Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis, which was published by Karnac last year. Svolos considers Lacan’s legacy in the United States – something he has promoted and continued for many years – contemporary symptoms, and his own encounter with the Lacanian field.

Sanglap’s special issue on Psychoanalysis and the Logic of the Cut, edited by Arka Chattopadhyay, Dipanjan Maitra and Arunava Banerjee is now available. It contains articles by contributors from Slovenia, Australia, France, England, America and Chile. Read it online here.

João Pedro Fróis’ paper on ‘Lacan in Art Education’ may also be of interest to those interested in both fields. Originally written for the journal Visual Arts Research in 2010, it was made available free online last month.

Patrick Valas’ excellent site was updated last month with some new resources on Lacan’s Seminar XVIII, ‘On a Discourse which would not be Semblance’. As well as a transcript in French, the page also includes the actual recordings of sessions of Lacan’s seminar from 1971.

For those interested in the work of Lacan’s followers, check out the latest New Books in Psychoanalysis podcast where Jonathan House discusses his project of translating the work of Jean Laplanche, and in particular the book Laplanche: An Introduction by Dominique Scarfone. That volume brings together the latter’s own work with Laplanche’s introduction to the French translation of Freud’s ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’, and House’s translation of Laplanche and Pontalis’ classic 1964 paper Fantasme Originaire, Fantasmes des Origines, Origines du Fantasme.

Among events, a reminder that the Freud Museum London will be staging ‘The Fragile Phallus’ on 1st July, a conference about the precarious nature of masculinity in the modern world. Lacanian speakers include Renata Salecl, Calum Neill, Jordan Osserman and Dany Nobus.

A final reminder that this year’s NLS Congress, ‘In a State of Transference’, is coming up on 30th June and 1st July in Paris. Follow the Congress’ blog for the latest information and preliminary materials. Registration is still open here.

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